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WA Supreme Court To Rule On Backpage’s Claim Of Immunity

October 17, 2014

Backpage.com is generally considered the largest source of sex trafficking in the United States.  We represent a number of girls who allege the company is liable for creating an online marketplace for sex trafficking and then helping traffickers post ads for sex and evade law enforcement.

For its part, Backpage.com asserts that it is immune from liability because of the Communications Decency Act.  Under that federal law, a website is only liable for content if it “is responsible, in whole or in part, for the creation or development of information provided through the Internet …”

We filed suit in Pierce County Superior Court.  The trial court denied a motion by Backpage.com to dismiss the case under the Communications Decency Act, but certified the question for appeal.

The Washington Supreme Court accepted review of the trial court’s decision.  Oral argument is set for October 21, 2014, and will be televised on TVW.