Sexual abuse and college campuses seem to often collide in news stories. In many situations, there are issues with how the schools handle such accusations. However, these schools are under federal guidance as to what they can do when someone makes a sexual abuse claim.
According to ABC News, the way college campuses handle sexual abuse claims may soon change if the current administration has a say in it. Changes during the previous administration are under the microscope due to complaints by colleges that say they are too limiting in their scope and do not allow for proper handling of claims.
Reviewing rules
Federal rules on how colleges handle sexual abuse claims are under review. Specifically, Title IX is under review as it forbids sexual discrimination in a way that is not conducive to properly investigating sexual abuse claims by the school administration.
The government wants to ensure fairness for all students. It aims to ensure all rules lead to campuses that are free of sexual violence and provide a fair process by which to examine any claims.
Major concerns
Policies in place often favor accused individuals, providing schools with very little ability to address claims. This was a change from previous rules that favored victims. The goal is to find a better balance that will uphold the rights of the accused without ignoring the voice of the victims.
Ultimately, claims should receive a thorough investigation that does not punish anyone with proof while also ensuring the safety of victims. At the same time, rules should not make it harder for colleges to investigate and consider sexual abuse claims.